Birth Defect from Paxil®?

If you or a loved one has taken Paxil® during pregnancy, and your child has suffered a birth defect, contact us here immediately or submit a form here for a free case evaluation here and we will contact you and specifically about Paxil cases involving the following birth defects:  ventricular septal defect (“VSD”) (so-called hole in the heart), atrioventricular septal defect (AVSD), any…

Breach of Oral and/or Written Contracts-for Plaintiffs and Defendants

Breach of contracts–written or oral (and, often, both) is a common, every day commercial / business issue that nearly any type of business–and individuals–face. Simply put, several elements are necessary to establish / form a contract whether it is oral or written: An offer; An acceptance of the offer; and “Consideration” (that is, usually money…