If you have worked in an environment that exposed you to asbestos on a regular basis, both you and your family are at risk of developing Mesothelioma.

Why your family?

Because the clothing you wore to work and the hair on your head and body carried the asbestos back to your loved ones at home, exposing them to the same dangers.

If you worked at any of a number of Illinois “job-sites” that used asbestos, you are at risk.

When you or a member of your family is diagnosed with an asbestos–related injury such as mesothelioma, it may be the first time you have ever considered hiring an attorney.

Choosing an experienced Chicago mesothelioma attorney can provide priceless peace of mind during upcoming trying times when you are faced with medical treatments, bills, disability and other losses.

Asbestos lawyers vary widely in their approach.

Many mesothelioma and asbestos lawyers will offer an initial consultation after which they will be able to evaluate the strength of a case.

While this pre-screening can often be done over the phone, personal consultation is an important and useful tool to get to know the lawyer, the firm and the firm’s resources and how they will handle your mesothelioma or other asbestos-related disease case.

Call Chicago Mesothelioma Attorney Phil Berenz today to discuss at 312-375-6524, or contact us here https://www.counseloroffices.net/contact-us/ to determine if you or your loved one may have a case.

We would be honored to help.

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